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Старый 07.11.2013, 14:14   #1
Регистрация: 08.10.2008
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MiguSuked is on a distinguished road
По умолчанию Black Hoe Resurrected!

Good news to all hard electronic music fans that due to the high demands the famous Black Hoe Recordings is back, risen from the ashes and transformed into a more professional, more qualified record label.

Top-notch producers from five different countries (including Belgium, Hungary and Russia) gathered to celebrate this resurrection and give the crowd a fine compilation of their unique styles which know no barriers. The last remnants of genre boundaries are trembling under their feet while they’re crossing back and forth between drum&bass, hardcore, jungle, breakcore and other territories.

As recent additions to the Black Hoe family a lot of fresh names contributed in the creation of this compilation besides well-known artists, like Peter Kurten, Mystification and Numek, who support the label from the very beginning. Names like Savage, Gancher & Ruin, Nagato, TriaMer, Jakub23, K-Rob, AirJ, Sinecore and Skull, all delivering break oriented harsh sounds mixed up from the dark side of electronic music.

The first official release of the Black Hoe Music Group is a massive eleven tracker featuring a CD album, a vinyl sampler and digital downloads, as well. Both the CD and the vinyl – which contains two collabs from Peter Kurten and Savage – exist in very limited quantities only to honor the biggest fans and give something highly valuable for the greatest collectors.

01. Peter Kurten & Savage - The True Enemy
02. Nagato & Jakub23 - Butthash
03. K-Rob - Holokust
04. AirJ & Nagato - Rage
05. Peter Kurten & Savage - Turn Me Around
06. TriaGato - Chrome
07. Peter Kurten, Sinecore & Nagato - L'eloge de la Folie
08. Numek & Savage - Untitled
09. Numek - Light Night
10. Peter Kurten, Skull & Savage - Doom
11. Mystification - Show Me How To Cry (Gancher & Ruin Remix)*
*not available individually, visit the Gancher+Ruin Bandcamp page if You would like to buy this track ONLY!
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Listen to the clips: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]

CD's and Digital Downloads available in the Black Hoe Bandcamp shop:
(packages with discounts offering Black Hoe Vinyl Extra and Black Hoe T-Shirts also available!)

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Digital Downloads are available in shops like:
Beatport: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
Juno Download: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
Digital Tunes: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
Trackitdown: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
Drum&Bass Arena: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
United Bass: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
IMO Records: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
iTunes: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
Deezer: [Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Регистрация!]
and in many other shops like Spotify, Google Music, etc...

If You feel You do not want to support our beloved label and our artists, You have the opportunity to download the release for free in 192 kbps for Your listening pleasure:
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